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The 7 Must-have Items for Your Wardrobe This Summer

by Qunki Team | lifestyle
Home > lifestyle > The 7 Must-have Items for Your Wardrobe This Summer

Poor-fitting garments can end up costing you money, so when it comes to dressing for the day or night, you want comfortable, well-fitting items that still express your unique style. So what’s trending this summer? When you sense that change of season in the air, it’s time to embrace it on the right foot with easy to wear must-have items for your wardrobe that gives you the style you love.


Carelessness and loss can leave you in a predicament this summer without the right prescription sunglasses and fast glasses delivery ensures you can have new replacement glasses sooner than you think for sunny days on the beach or around the pool.

Anyone who relies on glasses to see and to protect their eyes from glare can have a hard time seeing clearly, which means not being able to enjoy leisure time. It means relying on next-day rush services to get your glasses delivered to you quickly and also with the promise of the best price guarantee.

You don’t have to stress if you’ve got an event coming up. And you fear you may not have your eyeglasses. You can have next-day delivery of any eyeglass order you place before noon. Take your pick from prescription and nonprescription sunglasses and eyeglasses and choose from fabulous modern brands with various lenses and coatings, including tinted, anti-glare, polarized and more.

Denim clothes and jeans

There are some classics in the fashion world that defy trends, and of course, denim is one, whether it be a denim skirt, denim shirt, denim shorts, a pair of well-fitting jeans or denim jacket. The classics are still the most sought after, and you can’t beat the original brands.

Skinny jeans are still in shape this summer, and this fabulous must-have item that was popularized during the 1950s has become general fashion to this day. There was a time when it was only worn for casual wear, but these days dark blue jeans can be worn for formal occasions.

The white t-shirt

In celebrating Summer, it’s all about dressing for the part, and the fashionable white t-shirt is the perfect item for your wardrobe to wear with your favorite blue jeans? It’s so in fashion this summer you’ll need a few white shirt items, and they’ll all work hard in your wardrobe.

There’s a jolly good reason why those who enjoy fashion have worn white t-shirts and button-up white shirts for decades – jeans and white t-shirts go hand in hand together. Go for the dark indigo denim to carry off the look to its full potential. The plain white tee can be worn with nearly everything this season.

Shirt dress

Most people love to follow trends, but no wardrobe will be complete without some essentials. You never have to have doubts about a shirt dress being in style, as like jeans, they never go out of fashion. The shirt dress is great for in the office, at a picnic or for evening drinks with friends.

The shirt dress is similar to a regular man’s shirt, so you can expect the collar and button through the front. The fabric of the shirt dress can be cotton, silk or denim, and they are often worn with trendy belts to define the waist. Get a shirt dress and be in trend with the fashion of the day.

Maxi dress

You know how you just want to pull off your clothes when the weather is hot and sticky. With the maxi dress being a favorite summer item, its cool looseness and breezy looks will be this summer's perennial cool look.

Fringes and tassels are in this summer, so try to find super flattering maxi dresses with tassels and fringes and make sure you’re right at the top of the fashion ladder.

Plain cami tops

Plain cami tops in black, cream, white and any other vibrant color for that matter has to be in your wardrobe this summer. Made with modal and spandex blend material, you get a soft, sleeveless fashion item that is super comfy to wear for hours.

Wear your cami with jeans or a skirt and adjust it for additional comfort with the adjustable spaghetti straps. The cool thing about these stretchy cami tops is that they’re perfect for hot summer days and look super cool under a jacket for cooler days.

Shoulder bags

Shoulder bags are a huge fashion statement without saying a word, and while they’re pretty good at holding everything you need, they’re no longer purely functional and can brighten up the blandest of outfits.

They’re the perfect accessory to spice up any summer look with minimal effort. It can become the focal point of your outfit. Different textures, hardware and subtle patterns can all speak volumes. A classic style shoulder bag in a vivid shade in your wardrobe this summer can strike a perfect balance between fashionable and functional.

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