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Hilarious Magazine Mishaps That Will Make Your Day

by Qunki Team | funny
Home > funny > Hilarious Magazine Mishaps That Will Make Your Day

Our daily life goes through a lot of things every day. We notice a large number of incidents in our surroundings which sometimes forces us to pass judgment. If someone from the normal public becomes involved in such an incident, then we simply ignore it and carry on with our work. But when the same thing happens with a celebrity, it not only attracts the attention of the public but also pulls the attention of the press and media. And sometimes, this thing is used as a topic to crack jokes or pull the legs of a particular celebrity for the next few years.

1 The giant hand!!

2 Oh George, you sly dog....


3 Save your apples and pears, don't place these in the same bowl.


4 The missing leg is not sexy Veronica Kay!!

5 My hometown newspaper had an amusing juxtaposition


6 If you edit a magazine called 'Where', you really ought to be more careful with your layout


7 They gave Oprah an extra hand so she can give more gifts to people!

8 She can twist her neck 360 degrees.


9 This was in the news paper yesterday.


10 Brittle hand prolly.


11 The power of three


12 Editor of this magazine is really not good at his job .


13 A new sexy pose for magazine models


14 I guess she was born with out a navel .


15 Beyoncé with a third arm.


16 Miley Cyrus carry an extra arm !!


17 Grabbing some solid air.


18 He gotta long arm.


19 When you wanna travel alone .

20 Juventus F.C. has players with extra hands.


21 Girl With No Thumb or Just 2 Left Hands


22 That's ref's hand .


23 Bowling ad fail


24 OPPS! seems like things aren't going in the right direction...

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