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A Quick Guide to Eye Makeup Application with 3CE

by Qunki Team | beauty
Home > beauty > A Quick Guide to Eye Makeup Application with 3CE

Makeups and masks do not go along with the pandemic altering everyone’s priorities, including cosmetics. Every dermatologist will recommend you ditch your makeup to prevent acne buildup during the pandemic. However, you do not have to remove makeup from your daily routine completely.

If you were always scared and intimidated applying and experimenting with eye makeup, now is your perfect time to learn everything. We’re not saying you will be the master of eye makeup in just a few weeks or months, but maybe you will after you finish this quick guide. If you are tired or struggled with the ever-complex western eye makeup, you should try Korean makeup. It is easier, and it will make you look more youthful. Let’s start!

1. Always start with an eye primer.

Concealing and correcting any discoloration around the eye area is essential for a smoother eye makeup base. It will also make application easier for you as it would make your look more even. You should try 3CE Eye Primer if you love primers with a subtle hint of shimmer.

2. Use natural and neutral colors.

Koreans love to preserve their natural beauty. Unlike how the western makeup style alters the look, Koreans love to enhance their honest, natural look. Look for shades that will complement your skin tone beautifully. For them, rosy to earthy shades is often used. Numerous eye palettes offer these shades, including 3CE Mood Recipe Multi Eye Color Palette. If you are a beginner, it is vital to use an easy shade like brown. Once you get used to it, you can start experimenting without making yourself look funny.

3. Let your eyes shine.

You will often notice K-pop idols having glittery effects around their eyes. They do it to make their eyes pop even with a light application. If you are not into Korean makeup, you can also use this step for other makeup styles and techniques. Especially if you want your eyes to be the main point of your look, it will be a massive help.

Having Glitter Bomb or Diamond Glint 3CE Mini Multi Eye Color Palette wherever you go will provide you with the extra oomph your look needs! Apply it over your eyelid’s center area and below your lower lash line to achieve that Korean eye makeup vibe.

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4. Locate the holy trinity.

The three regions around your eyes are called the holy trinity because they can provide your eyes with more depth once you apply makeup. To do this, choose a darker eye shadow shade and use it over the outer corner of your eyelid—following a triangle shape pointed outwards. Remember to tap off any excess eyeshadow before application to avoid harsh lines. Follow the steps for the outer corner of your lower lash and the inner core of your eyelid.

5. Eyeliners are essential.

To nail the Korean eye makeup, you have to up your eyeliner game. One of the trendiest eye makeup styles was the “puppy eyes.” There’s no specific type of eyeliner required to make this happen, but Koreans often use pencil eyeliners to create softer lines. You can do numerous eyeliner styles, but we recommend you try the “puppy eye” trend if you are aiming for a legit Korean look.

To achieve this innocent look, start to apply your eyeliner on the upper lash line, then flick it downwards while extending it outward from your eyes slightly. It is the most uncomplicated technique that will help you achieve this look quickly. If you are a total beginner, we recommend you try 3CE Super Slim Pen Eye Liner. It comes with fine bristles that make it easier to apply, even for newbies.

Also, do not forget your mascara if your lashes need more length, curl, and volume.

6. Don’t forget your eyebrows.

Your eyebrows are essential in shaping your face. If it is too thin, your face may look somehow odd, while having thick eyebrows will do a beautiful balance. Koreans are into straight-shaped brows that make them look youthful and innocent. If you want to have the same look, we recommend you go for straight eyebrows.


Eye makeup is what we need during the post-pandemic period. Taking advantage of this time by mastering our eye makeup application will help us in the future once we get back to our usual day-to-day interactions. By using neutral shades, a bit of shimmer, and that innocent puppy eyes, you will successfully achieve the Korean eye makeup look in no time!

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