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Impressive Celebrity Weight Loss Transformations That Are Hard To Believe.

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Home > celebrities > Impressive Celebrity Weight Loss Transformations That Are Hard To Believe.

Everyone is concerned about their look nowadays. It is something that matters a lot in someone's life when they are looking for a job or if they are dating the person of their dreams. We always try to look for homemade or artificial remedies when we find out that something is wrong with our physical appearance. It is the same situation with celebrities. But in their lives, they need to do it to get into the look of a character they play in a movie. So, here are a few celebrities who went through a change in their weight at a point of time -


Nicole Ritchie was once termed as one of the thinnest Hollywood celebrities of all time. She had to undergo some treatment when she found out that her weight was only 90 pounds in the year 2006. Many people thought that she might have been a victim of an eating disorder.


American singer Jennifer Hudson is known for grabbing the position of a finalist in the third season of "American Idol". When she stepped in at the age of 32 years in April 2010, she became a topic of discussion because of her slim figure as her size was around 16 a few months ago.


Christian Bale gained a huge fan following after playing the role of Batman in Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight" trilogy. To prepare for his role in "The Machinist", he had to lose around 63 pounds and later took supplements. Shockingly, to return to his original shape, he completely avoided eating anything and exercised regularly.


Oprah Winfrey is famous for her appearance as the host of the longest-running show "The Oprah Winfrey Show". She lost some weight in the year 2000 and came down nearly to the size of 160. Eight years later, she again took a hit of around 200 pounds. Later in 2010, she stated that she will never repeat the mistake of dieting in her life.


Drew Carey is a very funny man in his real life. At the age of 55, he realized that his extra added weight was becoming a big problem for him. He lost a few kilograms and also mentioned that he doesn't need to take the medicines for his type two diabetes. To get a slim look, he took a high amount of protein, veggies, and fruits.


John Goodman is known for his appearance as Dan Conner in the popular TV series "Roseanne". His weight was around 368 pounds in the year 2007. His age was 61 years at that time. After that, he decided to quit drinking and started avoiding sugar. At present, his workout routine is about six days a week and has lost almost 100 pounds.

7. 50 CENT

The most famous rapper 50 Cent has also appeared in a few movies. He played the role of a cancer patient in "Things Fall Apart". To get into the character, he had to lose some kilograms from his body. A few years ago, one of his photos went viral on social media where it was revealed that his weight dropped from 214 to 160 pounds in just nine weeks.


Kelly Osbourne grabbed the third position with her dance partner Louis van Amstel in the famous reality show "Dancing with the Stars". After the end of the show, she had decreased the amount of food she consumes and lost around 50 pounds. Her dance workouts helped her so much that she even got featured with her bare body on the cover page of Self Magazine in the year 2013.


Jared Leto is known for his flawless acting skills. To prepare for his role as the killer of John Lennon in "Chapter 27", he had to gain around 60 pounds. Unfortunately, he had to go through severe pain in his foot after that. It took around a year for him to return to his normal state and later mentioned that he will not repeat this mistake ever again.


Charlize Theron is popular mainly for her appearance in a large number of action movies. She played the role of a prostitute and serial killer in "Monster" released in 2003. To fit herself into the character, she had to gain around 30 pounds and she was back to normal before the premiere of her film. The film was also able to make her a recipient of the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress.


Star Jones Reynolds has been a co-host of the popular TV show "The View". Once upon a time, she had to undergo gastric bypass surgery. She lost around 160 pounds in three years and was completely back to normal in 2007 but she never revealed the secret behind it.


Renee Zellweger was offered the role of a thirty-year-old girl named Bridget Jones in "Bridget Jones's Diary" released in 2001. She accepted the role and gained around 20 pounds to fit herself into the role. Despite losing weight after completing the movie and returning to normal, she continued to lose more pounds in different ways.


Al Roker has been famous among the audience as a host of the show "Today". He underwent surgery to become slim. His weight was around 340 pounds in the year 2002 and after his surgery, he lost around 140 pounds. At present, he is getting used to exercise regularly and maintain his weight of 200 pounds.


Kirstie Alley had been termed as one of the most notorious dieters in Hollywood. She has been the face of Jenny Craig once in her life. After the end of her contract, she lost around 75 pounds and later started her show in the year 2000 where she discussed the problems she faced after gaining weight.


Randy Jackson is known by every one of us as the judge of American Idol. His weight was over 300 pounds in the year 2007. He had to go through a gastric bypass surgery in 2003 to keep his problem of diabetes under control. Later, he lost around 100 pounds by consuming a low amount of food, avoiding sugar, and spending more time at the treadmill.

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