Impressive Celebrity Weight Loss Transformations That Are Hard To Believe.

By Qunki Team | celebrities


Star Jones Reynolds has been a co-host of the popular TV show "The View". Once upon a time, she had to undergo gastric bypass surgery. She lost around 160 pounds in three years and was completely back to normal in 2007 but she never revealed the secret behind it.

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Random Joke

An Italian guy is out picking up chicks in Roma.

An Italian guy is out picking up chicks in Roma.

While at his favorite bar, he manages to attract one rather attractive looking blonde.

So they’re back at his place, and sure enough, they go at it. After a long while…

He climaxes loudly.

Then he rolls over, lights up a cigarette and asks her, “So…. you finish?” After a slight pause.

She replies, “No.”

Surprised, but pleasantly, he puts out his cigarette, rolls back on top of her, and has his way with her again, this time lasting even longer than the first… and this time completing the deed with even louder shouts.

Again he rolls over, lights a cigarette, and asks, “So…. you finish?”

And again, after a short pause, she simply says “No.”

Stunned, but still acting reflexively on his macho pride, he once again puts out the cigarette, and mounts his companion du jour.

This time, with all the strength he could muster up, he barely manages to end the task, but he does, after quite some time and energy is spent.

Barely able to roll over, he reaches for his cigarette … lights it again, and


Renee Zellweger was offered the role of a thirty-year-old girl named Bridget Jones in "Bridget Jones's Diary" released in 2001. She accepted the role and gained around 20 pounds to fit herself into the role. Despite losing weight after completing the movie and returning to normal, she continued to lose more pounds in different ways.


Al Roker has been famous among the audience as a host of the show "Today". He underwent surgery to become slim. His weight was around 340 pounds in the year 2002 and after his surgery, he lost around 140 pounds. At present, he is getting used to exercise regularly and maintain his weight of 200 pounds.


Kirstie Alley had been termed as one of the most notorious dieters in Hollywood. She has been the face of Jenny Craig once in her life. After the end of her contract, she lost around 75 pounds and later started her show in the year 2000 where she discussed the problems she faced after gaining weight.


Randy Jackson is known by every one of us as the judge of American Idol. His weight was over 300 pounds in the year 2007. He had to go through a gastric bypass surgery in 2003 to keep his problem of diabetes under control. Later, he lost around 100 pounds by consuming a low amount of food, avoiding sugar, and spending more time at the treadmill.

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