18 Times Where Airport Security Turned Into Humiliation

By Qunki Team | wtf

Security is of major concern in the airline industry to keep us free from terrorists. However, airport security can sometimes become a display of humiliation, and since no one is going to question a security guard for checking, the person is touched despite having passed though tons of sensors. This shows that too much liberty can be dangerous as well. Take a look at 18 such instances where airport security check became something much more than just a normal routine security check.

1 Smiling is not allowed during security checking.

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Random Joke

Three Whales :

I was in a bar the other night and overheard three very hefty women talking.

Their accent appeared to be Scottish, so I approached and asked, "Hello, ladies are you three lassiee from Scotland ?"

One of them angrily screeched, "It's Wales, you bloody idiot, Wales!"

So I apologized and replied, "I am so sorry. Are you three whales from Scotiand ?"

And that's the last thing I remember.

2 Just looking for guns and bombs.

3 We are almost done humiliating you.

4 Listen old lady, if you dont follow my instructions, you will be labelled as a terrorist.

5 We dont really care about your convenience.

6 Those look very suspicious.

7 How come you arent wearing a belt? You are a terrorist, arent you?

8 Whoa! Is that a weapon or what?

9 You cant complain, maam. We have full liberty of invading your private space.

10 This old lady who is in a wheelchair might be carrying a big bomb or a gun.

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