Funny Olympic Fails That Might Make You Feel Bad For Laughing
by Qunki Team | funny
We all love Olympics and all its festivities. We all laugh and cheer at the moments when our favorite team wins a medal or scores a victory. We also laugh at the stupid falls and clumsy drops during an Olympics game. But it is not very common that we come across moments where we find ourselves confused between laughing and feeling sorry for the players.
Here we have collected 23 such hilarious Olympic instances caught on camera that are sure to make you laugh, and feel for the players at the same time:
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1 Kiss my ass!
Source2 Never knew this was an Olympic Sport..
Source3 Tip: Always take a toilet trip before you lift..
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4 Down and out
Source5 Did he even lift?
Source6 Bull's eye!
Source7 Shushh. No talking in the game.
Source8 Noo. Not a head shot!
Source9 They runnin, we trippin..
Source10 Hello from the other sidee!
Source11 When you find pickle in your food..
Source12 Peek-a-boo!
Source13 The finger says it all..
Source14 When you knew all along what a nut job your sport was..
Source15 About to go Super Saiyan
Source16 Get into pro wrestling they said. It'll be fun they said..
Source17 When things don't go as planned..
Source18 Tastes like pee down there..
Source19 Baller Face Palm
20 YOLO- You Only Lift Once.
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