13 Stupid People Who Make Facebook What It Is Today

By Qunki Team | funny

There is no doubt that quite a few smart and intelligent people have their profiles on Facebook. But they are easily countered by the countless stupid people on Facebook. Check out these top 13 stupid posts on Facebook.

1 Brilliant mother

stupid facebook posts

It just amazes how someone can even think of buying cigarettes with child care money.

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Random Joke

A guy walks into a pub

A guy walks into a pub and sees a sign hanging over the bar that reads:



HAND JOB: $10.00

He walks up to the bar and beckons one of the three exceptionally attractive blondes serving drinks.

Can I help you? she asks.

I was wondering, whispers the man. "Are you the one who gives the hand jobs?"

Yes, she purrs. "I am."

The man replies, "Well, wash your hands. I want a cheeseburger."

2 Poor Missy

funny posts

Missy definitely needs to consult a doctor to see if she is ok.

3 You are fired

dumb facebook posts

Why would you just leave the blanks like that working for a pizza company?

4 Spell Check

 stupid internet posts

Probably needs to be more careful with spellings next time.

5 I cant even

stupid posts

Pregnant with a guinea pig? Is she insane?

6 Teacher even better than student

stupid facebook

Either the teacher is stupid or the student is lying.

7 Dark humour

 stupid social media posts

I hope he was being funny.

8 Smelly grandma

dumb social media posts

Some people are just mean. Sorry grandma.

9 This is love?

funny stupid people

So this is what people are calling love these days?

10 Insane mother

stupid things on the internet

I feel sorry for her kids

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