14 Dangerous Headaches And How to Treat Them

By Qunki Team | health and fitness

Headaches are painful. Not only do they cause pain but they irritate too. Medical science says that the brain doesn't trigger signals directly to cause a headache. It is the nerves, chemicals in the brain, blood vessels, and tissues. Medical experts say that they know more about headaches and the precise reasons for their occurrence than they knew a few years back. Whether reasons are known or not known, Headaches are the real menace. Let us see in detail the 14 dangerous headaches and ways to treat them to get rid of the same.

1 Rebound Headaches

different types of headaches and causes

This type of the headache is caused when medicines are overly used. Taking medications like Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), Aspirin and Acetaminophen (Tylenol) continuously or frequently for more than a week can result in a headache. Consuming Migraine drugs (Triptans) for more than ten days in a month can also cause headaches that are termed as Rebound headaches. Even using nasal decongestants regularly causes the nose to be permanently stuffy resulting in headaches that are rebound in nature

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Random Joke

Little Johnny was doing his math homework.

Little Johnny was doing his math homework.

He said to himself, "Two plus five, that son of a bitch is seven. Three plus six, that son of a bitch is nine."

His mother heard what he was saying and gasped, "What are you doing?"

The little boy answered, "I'm doing my math homework."

"And this is how your teacher taught you to do it?" the mother asked.

"Yes," he answered.

Infuriated, the called Little Johnny's teacher the next day, "What are you teaching my son in class?"

The teacher replied, "Right now, we are learning addition."

The mother asked, "And are you teaching them to say two plus two, that son of a bitch is four?"

After the teacher stopped laughing, she answered, "What I taught them was, two plus two, the sum of which is four."

2 Tension Headaches

types of head aches and causes and effects

Tension headaches are usually felt on both sides of the forehead, the back side of the neck and shoulders. Such headaches are caused due to high levels of anxiety experienced, unmanageable stress levels and in jaws. Such headaches keep throbbing around the areas mentioned and do not cause pain. Medical experts opine that such headaches are caused because of changes in the chemical levels in the human brain. Another reason as per Medical professionals is the confused signals that the nerves in the brain send through due to which headaches are caused. Usually, this type of headaches wades off when pain relievers like Ibuprofen, Aspirin, and Acetaminophen are taken

3 Dental Headaches

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The other kind of headaches that causes pain is Dental headaches. Dental ailments act as the basic reasons for such headaches. Dental headaches create a condition called Bruxism which in normal terms is the pain in the face. Dental headaches also cause another medical condition referred to as TMJ, Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. This affects the joints which connect the skull to the jaws. Temporomandibular Joint Disorder may be caused when the jaw alignment is bad, high-stress levels, Jaw muscles, and ligaments that are affected, the cartilage that has been affected by Arthritis and bad posture. Treatments are available for Dental headaches. Go in for byte guards and cold and hot packs. Seek the advice of your Dentist who will be able to help you get rid of these dental headaches

4 Cluster Headache

types of head aches and causes effects

Cluster headaches are also termed as Suicide Headaches. They cause pain and are more mostly short-lived. They may last for anywhere between 15 minutes and 3 hours. Cluster Headaches do not have any particular periodicity and do not occur regularly. Such kind of headaches may be experienced multiple times on a given day, and then they may not occur for many months after that. People who experience the cluster headache may get tears in one or both years. Eyes may become reddish. This type of headaches prevails more on men than women generally. While many reasons contribute to cluster headaches, main ones are cigarette smoking, extreme height, drinking and eating some foods which are prone to cause such headaches. Cluster Headaches get cured with the help of Triptans and oxygen. Ordinary OTC painkillers will not help to get rid of Cluster Headaches

5 Migraines

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Migraines are the worst kind of headaches that affect women thrice more than men. Hormonal changes, increased stress levels, eating habits and sleeping habits trigger Migraine. Medical Professionals advice that people must observe what causes Migraine in them. Once they find the cause, they must refrain from doing things that cause the headache. For instance if someone observes that whenever they skip meals, they tend to get Migraine headache, they must ensure that they do not skip meals and avoid getting affected by Migraine headaches.

6 Caffeine Headaches

types of head aches and causes headaches

Caffeine headaches are caused due to coffee habits. For instance, a person who is used to having two cups of coffee every morning before a particular time tend to get Caffeine Headache if on a given day he misses having one or both the cups of coffee before that particular time. Drinking too much of coffee every day may also result in a caffeine headache. As per medical experts people who suffer from Caffeine Headache two options in front of them. One is to continue with the caffeine addiction or to quit the caffeine habit altogether

7 Orgasm Headaches

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As the name suggests, these headaches occur during sexual intercourses, more so in men than women. Typically, orgasm headache starts immediately after the intercourse starts and ends when the intercourse ends. In the end, the headache appears to like having been hit by a thunderbolt. This type of headache may be dull or severe. Based on the severity the headache may last longer for a day to many days. Taking a pain killer before the sexual intercourse may help in easing out the pain.

8 Early morning headaches

types of head aches and causes migraines

If you get up in the morning with a headache, it may be due to either Migraine which usually attacks during the morning times or a Rebound Headache caused by medication that was taken during the previous night. People who suffer from sleep apnea also suffer from morning headaches. And drive out those hypochondriacs around. For all you know, early morning headaches can be pointing out to tumor in the brain

9 Sinus Headaches

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Mostly, Migraine headaches are mistaken for Sinus Headaches since both types of headaches have same symptoms like watery eyes, Nose blockage, and pressure because of Sinus. Sinus Headaches are caused due to the infection that causes greenish red discharge from the nose. Sinus infections can be cured with antibiotics and does not cause sensitivity to light and nausea which are unique symptoms of Migraine Headaches

10 Ice Cream Headache

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Ice cream headaches are felt when people enjoy highly chilled Ice creams and juices. The head ache feels like a shooting pain in the head. People who are prone to get Migraine headaches tend to experience this shooting sensation while eating chill things often. While this is medically referred to as Sphenopalatine Ganglioneuralgia, the pain might have been caused just because of the cold sensation that the roof of the mouth experiences making the brain arteries get increasing blood flow. To get immediate relief from such a pain, stop eating the cold stuff momentarily and drink some hot water. This will help the brain arteries to balance out the situation

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