16 People Reveal The Most Shocking Confessions About Flirting !

By Qunki Team | relationship and lovelife

Helen Rowland has said, Flirting from a girls perspective is the gentle art of making a man pleased with himself. But some people cant flirt properly. Some of them are so poor at this that they dread facing such situations. Sometimes, they try to overact and get too excited, ultimately making a mockery of themselves in the end.

Here, we present 16 instances where people failed in hilarious ways while trying to flirt. They are great for a good laugh, but you should also note that you never repeat these mistakes if you ever face a similar situation.

1 Fruit in town

She should have thought about it first before saying anything.

Article Continues after the joke

Random Joke

Priest and his cock :

A Priest kept chickens at his village. One evening the cock went missing.

At the church mass prayer gathering, the priest asked,

"Who has a cock?"...

All the men got up.

"No, I meant who has seen a cock?"...

All the women got up.

"No, No, Who has seen a cock that isn't their's?"...

Half the women got up.

"Oh, for Heaven's sake, Who has seen my cock?"...

All the nuns got up.

2 Love her accent!

If you want to be a good flirter, you need to start learning the difference between speech impediments and accents.

3 Dick joke

You need to brush up your humour a bit, lady.

4 Big potato

Well, that was hilarious!

5 Well that was embarrassingly bad.

But I am sure she has improved her flirting skills a lot by now.

6 Gay

She needs to work on her communication skills.

7 Feel sorry for the guy

She should have been a bit more careful.

8 Eel

How can someone even think of such a horrible line?

9 Avril Lavigne

Seems to be a big fan of her.

10 Poor girl

She doesnt even know her name!

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