20 Reasons Why Men Cheat In A Relationship!

By Qunki Team | relationship and lovelife

It hurts a lot if someone you immensely love cheats you. It can also be devastating and you tend to go through an emotional turmoil as it was completely unthinkable that your partner, who you thought was the one for you, would lie to you and deceive you. The very first thought that comes to your mind is Why did this happen to me? What made them cheat? And more questions like why guys cheat if they love you, and the list goes on.

Though it is true that both men and women tend to cheat, statistics show that more men, as compared to women, have confessed to having post marital affairs. Women, being extremely sensitive and emotionally vulnerable, get traumatised when men cheat them. They often think of the reason behind this behaviour of men. So, here are the 20 top reasons why men cheat:

1 Due to lack of maturity:

Psychologist Dr Tequilla Hill Hales believes that males, in general tend to have n number of reasons to justify why they had extramarital affairs. She said I have noticed, from my clinical experience, is that most men, who cheat their wives, have emotional immaturity. For them, investing time, energy and commitment in their marital issues to solve them is often not a priority. They instead choose to do things that are harmful both to them and their family. The repercussions that come post cheating are often not given much thought. For men who are contemplating cheating, you should think hard whether your affair is worth losing your loved ones over it.

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Priest and his cock :

A Priest kept chickens at his village. One evening the cock went missing.

At the church mass prayer gathering, the priest asked,

"Who has a cock?"...

All the men got up.

"No, I meant who has seen a cock?"...

All the women got up.

"No, No, Who has seen a cock that isn't their's?"...

Half the women got up.

"Oh, for Heaven's sake, Who has seen my cock?"...

All the nuns got up.

2 When they are made to feel very inadequate:

Sex therapist Danielle Adinolfi believes that both men and women indulge in extramarital affairs and cheating when they feel very inadequate of themselves. When spouses and made to feel that they are inferior again and again and are not given priority, they tend to find people who value them and give them priority. To sub it up, they look for someone to fill the void created by their spouse.

3 Simply because they choose to:

Counselor Dr Lavanda E. Evans believes that nothing actually makes or forces men to cheat, they do so because they simply want to they simply choose to. Cheating, like all other things, is never a necessity but always a choice, whether he will cheat or not cheat.

4 Due to selfishness:

Pastoral counsellor Sean Sears is of the opinion that there are, on the surface, numerous reasons why men cheat such as feeling desired, grass is greener, thrill of conquest, discontentment, feeling trapped etc. But the main underlying reason behind all these and many other reasons is selfishness. The kind of selfishness that triumphs integrity of character, selflessness and commitment.

5 Because of lack of appreciation:

Clinical social worker Robert Taibbi firmly believes that the underlying theme behind men cheating is the lack of appreciation and attention. Most men believe that they work really hard for their family, internalise and suppress their feelings, feel that they do a lot for their family but do not get enough appreciation from their family in return. An extramarital affair provides them a novelty factor, the opportunity to receive approval, admiration, new found attention, and a new perspective about themselves.

6 Men desire adventure:

Counselor Eva Sadowski believes that men men cheat to fulfil their desire for thrill and adventure, excitement seeking and risk- taking. They seek the affair as a way to escape the routine and blandness of everyday life, the life torn between commute, work, boring weekends with family, in front of the computer or TV set. They think of it as a way out of duties, responsibilities, and specific roles they have been forcefully given.

7 Due to various reasons:

Psychologist David O. Saenz believes that there are a variety of reasons why men cheat. They include- Boredom, variety, having no idea why theyre doing it, thrill of danger or hunt of an affair, no moral code at all for marriage, inner need/ drive for attention which exceeds normalcy, lack of admiration for and from their partner.

8 Due to darkness in their hearts:

Counselor Eric Gomez believe that one of the very common reasons why men cheat on their wives/ partners is due to the darkness contained in their hearts. Factors like pride, lust, enticement of an affair, frustrations with their lives or partners make them very susceptible to being unfaithful.

9 When their partners are unavailable:

Psychologist Julie Bindeman firmly believes that men or women tend to cheat when their partners are physically, and emotionally, unavailable to them. When they fail to get the love and support of their partners when they need it the most, they tend to fill that void with someone who cares for them and is available for them.

10 Due to lack of intimacy:

Marriage and family therapist Jake Myres says that lack of intimacy in marriage results in cheating. Though intimacy can be somewhat of a challenge, but if a man feels that he is not fully seen in his personal relationship or not communicating in wants and needs, it makes him feel lonely, empty, unappreciated and angry. In such a case, he seeks someone else to fulfil these needs outside the relationship. He believes he will get what he needs and wants from that person instead of his partner.

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