15 Foods You Can Eat a Lot Without Gaining Weight

By Qunki Team | health and fitness

Weight gain is one of the most discussed topics everywhere, which results in significant complications in our body. So, to maintain a healthy weight is essential to protect our body from those complications. But, the primary reason behind the weight gain is our food habit. For foodie people, it is a hard task to maintain weight. But, excellent news for all the foodies is that some foods can be consumed freely without the risk of gaining weight. These foods are rich in fiber and low in calorie. But, we should always consume a balanced diet with the enough proportion of the necessary ingredients, and for the weight loss purpose, a specialist should be consulted for the proper diet chart. Here is a list of 15 foods, which can be consumed without any query. Let's catch them one by one.

16 Popcorn


If you fry popcorn without butter and sugar (with a little salt, for instance), you can eat it without fear. This way, a portion (about a cup) only contains 31 kcal. So, popcorn in this way can be consumed without any query.

Article Continues after the joke

Random Joke

Johnny at School :

Teacher: "Why did you laugh?"

Boy: "I saw a strap of your bra."

Teacher: "Get out! Don't come to class for the next 1 week. Another boy laughs..."

Teacher: "Why did you laugh?"

Boy: "I saw both straps of your bra."

Teacher: "Get out! Don't come to class for next 1 month."

The teacher bends to pick a chalk and little Johnny starts walking out of the class.

Teacher: "Why are you going out?"

Johnny: "With what I saw I think my school days are over."

15 Celery

Celery stems are 95% water. They help you lose excess weight and detoxify your body thanks to their diuretic effect.

14 Eggplant


A portion of eggplant grilled or baked without oil makes for 24 kcal, so you can enjoy this savory veggie without any limitations.

13 Oranges, Graperfruits and Tangerines

A large amount of fruit is not recommended if you want to lose weight, yet citrus fruits are an exception here. They're rich in substances like fiber, flavonoids, and vitamin C. These satiate you, help your digestion, liver, and skin, and make you more healthy overall.

12 Melon and Watermelon

60-70 kcal per slice, you can eat them day in and day out. These fruits help excrete excess liquid from your body and satiate you well.

11 Algae


Algae, like laminaria, are the best source of iodine. They help your thyroid function normally, keeping your hormones at normal levels and preventing you from gaining weight.

10 Zucchini

A portion of zucchini is about 42 kcal. It normalizes your salt-water ratio, improves your intestinal function, and can also be used to lower the energy output of main courses.

9 Cucumber

An indispensable vegetable for all those losing weights: it helps fight swelling and gets you slimmer without harm.

8 Beetroot


Beetroot is a source of nutrients, such as manganese. They help burn fat, drive your muscles, and regulate your blood sugar. An average portion is just 40 kcal.

7 Eggs

You can eat them at any time of the day, even at night, without fear of gaining weight. Of course, boiled eggs are better than fried ones.

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