30 People Who Need Your Prayers Even Though They’re Completely Fine

By Qunki Team | wtf

Life gets tough for some when they turn into accidental memes; these viral memes spawn a history of mistrust for the person in the picture and the one who uploaded it. But the damage is done and the virtual world has a field day tagging and sharing them. Below are some innocent images that became the butt of all jokes.

1. Honey you look like a perfectly boiled hard egg.

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Random Joke


A burglar entered a bedroom, tied up the husband and wife, kissed the wife's ear and went to the bathroom...

The husband said to the wife "satisfy him or he will kill us, be strong. I love u"

Wife said "he didn't kiss me, he whispered in my ear that he is gay, he needs vaseline and | told him it's in the bathroom.

So be strong, | love u too......!!!

2. Boys do wear pink except Harry looked chummy about his tummy.

3. Tiny Poncho looks petrified with the new playmate.

4. When you eat at home vs when you eat at a party.

5. When the thumb imprint came in perfect.

6. Looks like he borrowed his dress from a runaway Indian bride.

7. Mirror, mirror on the wall who is square of all.

8. Auntie sure left her organic shower cap on.

9. When you want to look manly but your Gf likes Twilight.

10. That boy sure looks like ‘the boy’ from the horror movie.

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