Find Out Which Dog Breed Suits You Best According To Your Zodiac Sign

By Qunki Team | animals and pets

11 Capricorn

Capricorns are firm in their decisions. They are extremely ambitious people and always love their close ones a lot. However, they often object to stuff they dont prefer.

Boxers are similar; they are loyal and patient but can be fierce in certain situations as well.

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Random Joke

old washing machine :

Husband is walking behind his wife and says, "Your bottom is getting so big it looks like an old washing machine."

The woman keeps quiet and keeps walking.

Bedtime comes around, the husband starts getting amorous.

Wife says: "I'm not starting the old washing machine for such a small load. You'll have to do it by hand !"

12 Sagittarius


These people are avid travelers. They often pack their bags and go out to explore the world and see new places.

Greyhounds are the perfect breed for them. They are extremely good hunters and can easily survive in rough situations. They are quite patient, but love traveling and will not object to going out with their owners.

Please remember that this is just a guide. You can choose any pet or dog, and with enough care and attention, they too will start loving you and listening to you. Dogs are known as a mans best friend for this particular reason.

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