20 Hilarious Food Snapchats That Will Make You Laugh

By Qunki Team | funny

Since the advent of mobile phones we have become expert food photographers. And sometimes we land ourselves in a soup while trying to savour our favourite food. Given below are the hilarious results of turning our culinary skills into memes.

1. When the hunter and the hunted are enjoying a barbeque party.

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Random Joke

Baby Predicts Death of Parents.. See what happens next

A baby was born and minutes after he began to speak:

I am going to live only 4 days, my Mother will die in 6 days and my Father will die in 15 days.

4 days later the boy died .. . after 6 days the Mother died.

The Father was now going crazy, because the next one would be him.

He sold everything and spent all the money.

15 days later...

the neighbour died.

(Never rush into solving problems)

2. A bloody Christmas story – starring the Ginger Bread Man.

3. When she said I can have the last piece of the pizza.

4. When the grammar Nazis notice the spelling mistake in your food bill.

5. Noodle soup anyone.

6. Ride the bike and have snacks too.

7. Gotta keep your hot dog protected on the road.

8. Your obsession for pizza takes over your clothes.

9. Cat-fishing on your Tinder profile.

10. When you sneak in a hot cuppa soup at the party.

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